Hi! I’m Val. Call me Val, Valerie or V. I’m a 40-something, wife, mother, business consultant and life-long New Yorker. I’m someone who is seen as a quiet observer, an introvert. Once I entered my 40s I started to embrace the fact that I had something to say and that I didn’t always need to be the behind the scenes person. I began to push myself out of my comfort zone, mix things up and let my point of view be heard. I have never been a loud-mouth or someone who stirs the sh*t. I’m still not. I keep things simple and straightforward. My point of view is fair, balanced and most of all true to who I am.

Wonderstated is meant to be a fun and honest representation of real-life. My life! It shares my day-to-day with my husband and my son and focuses on the things I love to do: cook, travel, keep a happy home and take good care of myself and the people I love. I like to think of Wonderstated as a way to invite you in for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and a good catch up. Drop by any time!